Thursday, June 1, 2023 9:00 AM - Saturday, June 3, 2023 4:00 PM (EDT)
Instructor: Erica Stephenson
Date: June 1 - 3, 2023
Time: 9 am – 4 pm
Fee: $150
Participants: 4
Location: Erica's home studio: 1451 Mill Gap Rd., Monterey, VA 24465
Materials Cost: Not to exceed $35. (includes all materials and use of tools and incidentals) Workshop Summary: This basic to intermediate level workshop will use the copper foil method of stained glass construction.
Students will select a pattern, cut, grind and shape glass pieces, apply copper foil, solder, and finish one or more projects. Participants will be provided with the tools to discover their interest in this skill. Patterns and a variety of colored glass will be provided for projects. Participants should wear close-toed shoes, not sandals, to keep their feet safe from glass shards.
Pack a lunch, since Erica's beautiful farm is just south of town, so restaurants won't be an option.
Sign-up here:
1451 Mill Gap Rd
Monterey, VA 24465 United States